The blog for the elightened cyclist

The Inner Ring

Hints, tips and information about strength & conditioning, remote training and other stuff for cyclists who care about their performances.

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These programs are perfect for those who want a flexible training solution that fits their busy schedule. Don’t let your off-the-bike training suffer; join me today and take your cycling performance to the next level!

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virtual training

Learn the convenience and effectiveness of Fast Fit Strong’s virtual training programs can boost your performance and reduce injury rates.

How to Find a Good Strength Coach for Serious Cyclists

If you really want to improve as a cyclist you need a strength coach in your corner. This article shows you what to avoid and what to look out for.

Use the Superset Method to Save Time and Boost Performance

Supersets are two exercises done back-to-back without rest. They can be used effectively to save time and still achieve your training goals. Here’s how:

Fail Better to be More Successful! My 4-Step Guide

Embrace the possibility of failing as a method of learning from your mistakes and improving yourself. This 4-step guide shows you how…

How to Download the Train Heroic App

Before you can get going and start logging any sessions in TrainHeroic, the first thing you need to do is download it from the Play or App Store. Find out how.

Fundamentals Over Fluff - Focus on the Basics to Improve Your Cycling Performances

Good strength programs are based around the fundamentals, basic human movements that protect against injury and boost your cycling performances.

How to use Total Rep Training to Spice Things Up

Don’t let your gym training become boring and stale. Find out how to spice up your routine and boost your strength with total rep training.

Remote Coaching. 9 Valuable Reasons Why Cyclists Need To Embrace It

Remote coaching is here to stay. Discover 9 valuable reasons why cyclists of all levels should embrace it today for convenience and expertise.

3 Reasons Online Coaching is Here to Stay After Lockdown

Lockdowns may be temporary, but the benefits of online coaching are here to stay. Find out why!

Lifting Lies Part 1 – Strength Training Myths, Resolved

This is the first of a two-part series in which I will debunk many strength training myths when training for endurance sports like cycling or triathlon.

how can i help?

The easiest way to get help is to reach out.