Maximise performance and reduce fatigue with

structured training


As the competitive season begins, many cyclists struggle with balancing training and avoiding fatigue while still performing on race day.

Striking the right balance between over and under-training can be challenging and can lead to soreness and injury, ultimately hindering your progress and potential for success.

With a focus on progressive intensity and a reduction in volume, this plan is designed to help you prepare for peak performance while limiting fatigue and injury risks.

With a sensible and structured plan in place, you can feel confident that you’re maximising your potential without putting your body at risk.

Here's how the plan breaks down:

  • On-bike sessions per week: None. This is an off-bike only program.
  • Off-bike sessions per week: 2-3 mainly including strength work, but there are also mobility and high-performance recovery training sessions throughout the phase.
  • Typical time of year: In-Season. I recommend starting as the main part of your cycling season begins.
  • Level of rider: Any.
  • Level of gym: Beginner/Intermediate. Some strength training experience would be helpful.


Boost performance and limit fatigue

This plan focuses on managing fatigue and optimising performance, allowing you to strike the right balance between over and under-training.

Optimise your training

This prewritten plan is designed for the early stages of the competitive season and provides clear guidance on training sensibly to limit fatigue and boost performance on the day(s) of your events.

Progressively build intensity

The undulating approach to gym sessions keeps workouts fresh and challenging, allowing a gradual increase in intensity and a corresponding reduction in volume, helping you avoid soreness and injury.


Specifically designed for this stage of the season

Tailored for the competitive stage of the season, this program has a focus on balancing training to limit fatigue and boost performance on the day of events.

Sensible training to limit fatigue

We take a sensible approach to training, ensuring that you strike the right balance between training and recovery to avoid burnout and injury.

Maintenance gym work

Regular gym sessions helps you maintain your gains and avoid detraining. While on-bike training is the priority, the plan includes maintenance gym work to support overall fitness and performance.

Progressive intensity & volume reduction

We follow a progressive intensity and a reduction in volume. This approach optimises performance while reducing the risk of injury or burnout.

Undulating model for continued progress

This training model is proven to be effective in preventing plateaus and promoting continued progress, making it ideal for cyclists looking to maintain their performance.

Train anywhere, anytime with TrainHeroic

Delivered remotely via the TrainHeroic app, which allows you to track your progress, receive feedback on your form, and stay accountable to your goals.



Barbell & Discs, Bench, Bands


Dumbbells, Cross-Training Equipment (any)

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a 4-week strength training plan designed for cyclists to focus on developing skill and technique in primary strength-based exercises. It is specifically designed to be done during the off-season or transition time of the year and is delivered remotely via the mobile phone app called TrainHeroic so you can train anywhere at anytime.
This program is designed specifically for cyclists who want to improve their off-bike strength & stability, injury resilience, flexibility, and mobility, as well as increased power & endurance for the upcoming cycling season.
There are 3-4 off-bike sessions per week but the felxibility of remote coaching means that you can do as much or as little as your schedule allows.
The strength sessions are designed to be done using free weights, although I have provided alternative exercises so you can get it done no matter what you have access to.
This is a pre-written plan that is specifically designed for cyclists at this stage of the year. I have provided alternatives for every gym-based exercise, so you can work effectively no matter where you are or what equipment you have access to.


  • 4-wk £24

More Coaching Packages

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Check out my other coaching packages below:


My online strength training team subscriptions are the ultimate solution for cyclists who want to take their training to the next level. With ongoing support and a flexible training solution, you’ll be able to reach your potential both on and off the bike.

Each plan is updated weekly, undulating through the season, meaning you’ll always receive a program that’s appropriate for the time of year and you’ll never have to worry about over-training or under-training again!

Join a team today and let me help you banish injuries and become a stronger, faster, more powerful cyclist!

Start your journey to success now!


My online strength training programs are tailored for riders who just want to get on with things without much fuss.

These plans are designed to increase your strength, power, and endurance, which will ultimately help you perform better on the bike. With a fixed length and a one-time fee, you’ll have access to the program for 12 months and can use and reuse it as many times as you like!

These programs are perfect for those who want a flexible training solution that fits their busy schedule. Don’t let your off-the-bike training suffer; join me today and take your cycling performance to the next level!

Click the program you’re interested in and get started today

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The easiest way to get help is to reach out.