Train smart, stay on track with

proven methods


Are you prone to injury or burnout due to the demands of intense training and competition? Do you struggle to maintain peak performance during the competitive season?

This phase is designed to help you maintain your strength and power gains while building endurance and recovery between important rides.

The Perform + helps you enhance your cycling performance for key events, so you can perform at your best when it matters most.

With my virtual coaching and support, you can stay on track with your training and avoid burnout and injury.

Here's how the plan breaks down:

  • On-bike sessions per week: 3-4 gradually reducing in volume, but building intensity.
  • Off-bike sessions per week: 2-3 mainly including strength work, but there are also mobility and high-performance recovery training sessions throughout the phase.
  • Typical time of year: In-Season. I recommend starting as the main part of your cycling season begins.
  • Level of rider: Any.
  • Level of gym: Beginner/Intermediate. Some strength training experience would be helpful.


Improved cycling performance

The program is designed to improve muscular endurance, recovery, and power, which can lead to better performance on the bike.

Reduced risk of injury

The focus on progressively challenging strength sessions, combined with mobility work, helps you to reduce the risk of injury and keep you on track with your training.

Increased accountability

The virtual coaching and feedback, along with my guidance, can help keep you accountable and on track with your training, leading to better results.


Maintain strength & power gains made in the preseason

By continuing with low-volume strength sessions, you can maintain the strength and power gains you made in the preseason, ensuring you stay in top physical shape throughout the in-season.

Improve your performance & recovery

Enhance your ability to sustain high-intensity efforts and recover more quickly between them to ride harder and longer.

Enhance cycling performance

Improve your overall performance on the bike with a combination of strength training and a targeted cycling plan.

Progressively challenging strength sessions

Continuously challenge yourself and make progress towards your goals with structured and progressive strength sessions specifically designed for this stage of the season.

Virtual coaching and feedback to ensure proper technique and form

Receive expert guidance and feedback on your form and technique, ensuring you perform exercises safely and effectively, maximising your results.

Sample cycling plan to support off-bike work

Maximise the benefits of your off-bike work with a phase-specific cycling plan to support your goals and progress.



Barbell & Discs, Bench, Bands


Dumbbells, Cross-Training Equipment (any)

Frequently Asked Questions

The plan is designed to improve strength, power, endurance, and recovery, all of which are essential for cycling performance. By combining off-bike strength training with on-bike cycling sessions, you will improve your overall fitness and cycling performance. Additionally, the plan includes mobility work to prevent injuries and flexibility to train remotely with virtual coaching.
All of my programs contain written and video descriptions of all the exercises, along with specific explanations of how I’d like you to perform them. If you need any extra help, you can reach out to me via TH Chat and I’ll happily give you a form check.
For the strength training sessions, you will need access to a gym or basic equipment such as dumbbells, resistance bands, and stability balls. For cycling sessions, you will need a stationary bike or access to a road or mountain bike.
This training plan is designed to be completed 7 days per week, however, there will also be specific recovery and regeneration sessions to ensure proper recovery and injury prevention.
This is a misunderstanding of how strength training is used for cyclists. My tried & tested methods have improved functional power from 30-min TT to elite-level stage races (where every gram matters)! Also, better body composition improves your power-to-weight ratio and reduces your CDA.

Perform +

  • 8-wk £56

More Coaching Packages

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Check out my other coaching packages below:


My online strength training team subscriptions are the ultimate solution for cyclists who want to take their training to the next level. With ongoing support and a flexible training solution, you’ll be able to reach your potential both on and off the bike.

Each plan is updated weekly, undulating through the season, meaning you’ll always receive a program that’s appropriate for the time of year and you’ll never have to worry about over-training or under-training again!

Join a team today and let me help you banish injuries and become a stronger, faster, more powerful cyclist!

Start your journey to success now!


My online strength training programs are tailored for riders who just want to get on with things without much fuss.

These plans are designed to increase your strength, power, and endurance, which will ultimately help you perform better on the bike. With a fixed length and a one-time fee, you’ll have access to the program for 12 months and can use and reuse it as many times as you like!

These programs are perfect for those who want a flexible training solution that fits their busy schedule. Don’t let your off-the-bike training suffer; join me today and take your cycling performance to the next level!

Click the program you’re interested in and get started today

how can i help?

The easiest way to get help is to reach out.